Source code for src.model.model

#  Copyright (c) 2021. Bram Vonk, Enexis

import logging

import numpy as np
import pymc3 as pm

[docs]logger = logging.getLogger("SPARK")
[docs]def det_dot(a, b): """ Dot product for Theano. The theano dot product and NUTS sampler don't work with large matrices. Copyright (c) 2021. Ritchie Vink source: ... build-facebooks-prophet-in-pymc3-bayesian-time-series-analyis-with-generalized-additive-models/ Parameters ---------- a : np.array b : tt.vector Returns ------- np.array dot product of the two. """ return (a * b[None, :]).sum(axis=-1)
[docs]def fourier_series(t, p=52.1775, n=5): """ Calculate fourier representation of t for a period and order. Copyright (c) 2021. Ritchie Vink Based on source: ... build-facebooks-prophet-in-pymc3-bayesian-time-series-analyis-with-generalized-additive-models/ Parameters ---------- t : range range to be used as input variable p : float period to use for the fourier orders n : int order of fourier series Returns ------- np.array matrix fourier representation of t """ # 2 pi n / p * t x = 2 * np.pi * np.arange(1, n + 1) / p x = x * t[:, None] x = np.concatenate((np.cos(x), np.sin(x)), axis=1) return x
[docs]def seasonality_model(t, p=52.1775, n=5, seasonality_prior_scale=1): """ Create seasonality model with fourier series. Copyright (c) 2021. Ritchie Vink Based on source: ... build-facebooks-prophet-in-pymc3-bayesian-time-series-analyis-with-generalized-additive-models/ Parameters ---------- t : range range to be used as input variable p : float period to use for the fourier orders n : int order of fourier series seasonality_prior_scale: float Returns ------- pm.var PYMC3 variable """ x = fourier_series(t, p=p, n=n) β = pm.Normal("β_yearly", mu=0, sd=seasonality_prior_scale, shape=2 * n) return pm.Deterministic("yearly", det_dot(x, β))
[docs]def polynomial(t, n=4): """ Calculate polynomial representation of t for an order. Parameters ---------- t : range range to be used as input variable n : int order of polynomial Returns ------- np.array matrix polynomial representation of t """ p = np.arange(n + 1) x = np.power(t[:, None], p) return x
[docs]def drift_model(t, n=4): """ Polynomal drift/trend function for additive model. Parameters ---------- t : range range to be used as input variable n : int order of polynomal. Returns ------- pm.var PYMC3 variable """ x = polynomial(t, n=n) β = pm.Normal("β_drift", mu=0, sd=0.5, shape=n + 1) return pm.Deterministic("drift", det_dot(x, β))
[docs]def create_model(t, y, p_fourier, n_fourier=5, n_polynomial=2): """ Create a PYMC3 GAM model with a trend/drift and a seasonal/yearly component. Parameters ---------- t : timestamps input series of scaled timestamps y : float observed values p_fourier: float scaled period of the timestamps to take for the fourier component (a year) n_fourier : int order of the fourier component n_polynomial: inbt order of the polynomial component Returns ------- PYMC3 model context """"creating PYMC3 model")"polynomial order = {n_polynomial} for drift/trend")"fourier order = {n_fourier} for seasonality") with pm.Model() as m: drift = drift_model(t, n=n_polynomial) yearly = seasonality_model(t, p=p_fourier, n=n_fourier) σ_ε = pm.Uniform("σ_ε", lower=0, upper=1) _ = pm.Normal("Σ", mu=drift + yearly, sd=σ_ε, observed=y) # display(pm.model_to_graphviz(m)) # display(m) return m