Source code for src.utils.snowflake

#  Copyright (c) 2021. Bram Vonk, Enexis

import datetime as dt
import logging
import os

import pandas as pd
import pytz
import snowflake.connector
from snowflake.sqlalchemy import URL
from sqlalchemy import create_engine

from src.utils.parser import parse_config
from src.utils.preprocess import downcast
from src.utils.vault import get_secrets

[docs]logger = logging.getLogger("SPARK")
[docs]config = parse_config(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../settings.yml"))))
[docs]channel_like = "register://electricity/0/activepower/%?avg=15"
[docs]column_details = """
[docs]def format_connection(name): """ Get (connection) details in the right format for different tables. Parameters ---------- name : name of the different sources Returns ------- Connection """ con_config = get_secrets("snowflake") con_config.update(config["snowflake"][name]) return con_config
[docs]def read_meta(boxid=None): """ Read meta preprocess of DALI box. Parameters ---------- boxid : list ID of DALI box to read. None results in all available preprocess of DALI boxes that have nominal power specified. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame with metadata. """"reading meta preprocess") con_config = format_connection("DALI_meta") if boxid is None:"for all boxids") box_selector = "" else:"for boxids: {boxid}") if isinstance(boxid, (str)): boxid = [boxid] s = ", ".join([f"'{s}'" for s in boxid]) box_selector = f"AND t.BOXID IN ({s})" query = f""" SELECT t.BOXID, t.TRAFO_FUNCTIEPLAATS_ID, t.VERMOGEN_NOMINAAL, t.TRAPSTAND_INGESTELD, t.STATIONSNUMMER, t.TRAFO_FUNCTIEPLAATS_ID, t.STATIONSNAAM, t.STATIONSFUNCTIE, t.REGIO_NETAUTOMATISERING, t.VESTIGING, t.PLAATS, t.STRAAT, t.HUISNUMMER, t.POSTCODE, t.GEMEENTE, t.LAT, t."LONG", t.STATION_BEDRIJFSSTATUS, t.BOX_BEDRIJFSSTATUS, t.IN_BEDRIJFSNAME_DATUMTIJD, t.LAATSTE_PROVISIONINGSSTATUS FROM {con_config["database"]}.{con_config["schema"]}.{con_config["table"]} t WHERE t.STATION_BEDRIJFSSTATUS ILIKE 'in bedrijf' AND t.BOX_BEDRIJFSSTATUS ILIKE 'in bedrijf' AND t.VERMOGEN_NOMINAAL IS NOT NULL {box_selector} """ with create_engine(URL(**con_config)).connect() as con: df_query = pd.read_sql(sql=query, con=con) return df_query
[docs]def make_week_extremes_query(boxid=None, last_processed=dt.datetime(2001, 1, 1)): """ Build the query to request week extremes. Parameters ---------- boxid : list If not None: select specific boxes. last_processed: datetime Date to determine week extremes from. Cuts are always made on the last monday. Returns ------- str Query string. """ con_config = format_connection("DALI_data") if boxid is None: box_selector = "" else: if isinstance(boxid, (str)): boxid = [boxid] s = ", ".join([f"'{s}'" for s in boxid]) box_selector = f"AND t.BOXID IN ({s})" query = f""" SELECT t.BOXID AS BOXID, REGEXP_SUBSTR(t.CHANNELID, '(sumli|l[1,2,3])') AS CHANNELID, YEAROFWEEKISO(t.DATUMTIJD) AS YEAR, WEEKISO(t.DATUMTIJD) AS WEEK, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AS PROCESSED_ON, MAX(t.WAARDE) AS MAX_VALUE, MIN(t.WAARDE) AS MIN_VALUE FROM {con_config["database"]}.{con_config["schema"]}.{con_config["table"]} t WHERE t.CHANNELID LIKE '{channel_like}' AND t.DATUMTIJD >= DATEADD(DAY, -DAYOFWEEKISO(DATE('{last_processed}')), DATE('{last_processed}')) AND t.DATUMTIJD < DATEADD(DAY, -DAYOFWEEKISO(CURRENT_DATE), CURRENT_DATE) {box_selector} GROUP BY t.BOXID, t.CHANNELID, YEAROFWEEKISO(t.DATUMTIJD), WEEKISO(t.DATUMTIJD) """ return query
[docs]def create_table_query(query): """ Make query to create or replace table and insert preprocess of select query. Parameters ---------- query : str Select query to be used. Returns ------- str New query """ con_config = format_connection("DALI_extremes") query = f""" CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE {con_config["database"]}.{con_config["schema"]}.{con_config["table"]} {column_details} CLUSTER BY (BOXID, L) COPY GRANTS AS ({query}) """ return query
[docs]def insert_table_query(query): """ Make query to insert preprocess of select query in an existing table. Parameters ---------- query : str Select query to be used. Returns ------- str New query """ con_config = format_connection("DALI_extremes") query = f""" INSERT INTO {con_config["database"]}.{con_config["schema"]}.{con_config["table"]} ({query}) """ return query
[docs]def create_week_extremes(): """Execute query to create whole new table of week extremes asynchroniously.""""creating new extremes table of total history") query = create_table_query(make_week_extremes_query()) with snowflake.connector.connect(**get_secrets("snowflake")) as con: con.cursor().execute_async(query)
[docs]def get_last_processed_time(): """ Retrieve last time table update has been done. Returns ------- datetime Last processing time. """"retrieving last update on extremes table") con_config = format_connection("DALI_extremes") query = f""" SELECT MAX(t.PROCESSED_ON) FROM {con_config["database"]}.{con_config["schema"]}.{con_config["table"]} t """ with snowflake.connector.connect(**get_secrets("snowflake")) as con: last_processed = con.cursor().execute(query).fetchone()[0]"last update on extremes table: {last_processed}") return last_processed
[docs]def update_week_extremes(): """Update week extremes from last processing time upt o last monday.""""updateing extremes table") last_processed = get_last_processed_time() if[:2] ==[:2]:"extremes table is up to date") pass else:"updating from {last_processed}") query = insert_table_query(make_week_extremes_query(last_processed=last_processed)) with snowflake.connector.connect(**get_secrets("snowflake")) as con: # con.cursor().execute_async(query) con.cursor().execute(query)
[docs]def read_week_extremes(boxid=None, L=None): """ Read week extremes for a DALI box and phase. Parameters ---------- boxid: list If not None: A list with DALI box IDs to read. L: str The phases to retrieve (sumli, L1, L2, L3) Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Week extremes. """"reading extremes table") con_config = format_connection("DALI_extremes") if boxid is None:"for all boxids") box_selector = "" else:"for boxids: {boxid}") if isinstance(boxid, (str)): boxid = [boxid] s = ", ".join([f"'{s}'" for s in boxid]) box_selector = f"AND t.BOXID IN ({s})" if L is None:"for all phases") phase_selector = "" else:"for phases: {L}") if isinstance(L, (str)): L = [L] s = ", ".join([f"'{s}'" for s in L]) phase_selector = f"AND t.L IN ({s})" query = f""" SELECT t.* FROM {con_config["database"]}.{con_config["schema"]}.{con_config["table"]} t WHERE TRUE {box_selector} {phase_selector} """ with create_engine(URL(**con_config)).connect() as con: df_query = pd.read_sql(sql=query, con=con) df_query = df_query.apply(downcast, try_numeric=True, category=False) if len(df_query): df_query["date"] = df_query.apply(lambda df: dt.datetime.fromisocalendar(df["year"], df["week"], 1), axis=1) else: df_query = df_query.assign(date=None) return df_query
[docs]def clear_forecasts(): """ Clear the table with forecasts. Returns ------- None """ con_config = format_connection("DALI_forecasts") query = f""" CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE {con_config["database"]}.{con_config["schema"]}.{con_config["table"]} ( BOXID VARCHAR(50), DATE TIMESTAMPNTZ, L VARCHAR(5), PROCESSED_ON TIMESTAMPNTZ, WEEK NUMBER(2), YEAR NUMBER(4), EXTREME VARCHAR(3), VALUE DOUBLE, PERIOD VARCHAR(10), MODEL_VAR VARCHAR(10), BAND VARCHAR(10), BOUNDARY VARCHAR(10), IS_VALID BOOLEAN ) CLUSTER BY (BOXID, L) COPY GRANTS; """ with snowflake.connector.connect(**get_secrets("snowflake")) as con: con.cursor().execute(query)
[docs]def clear_forecast_meta(): """ Clear the table with forecast metadata. Returns ------- None """ con_config = format_connection("DALI_forecast_meta") query = f""" CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE {con_config["database"]}.{con_config["schema"]}.{con_config["table"]} ( BOXID VARCHAR(50), STATIONSNUMMER VARCHAR(50), REGIO VARCHAR(50), VESTIGING VARCHAR(50), L VARCHAR(5), PROCESSED_ON TIMESTAMPNTZ, VERMOGEN_NOMINAAL NUMBER, RELATIVE_ABS_MAX DOUBLE, DATE_ABS_MAX DATE ) CLUSTER BY (BOXID) COPY GRANTS; """ with snowflake.connector.connect(**get_secrets("snowflake")) as con: con.cursor().execute(query)
[docs]def write_forecasts(df): """ Write results into the Snowflake database. Parameters ---------- df: pd.DataFrame Results to write. Returns ------- None """ df["processed_on"] ="UTC")) df["is_valid"] = True con_config = format_connection("DALI_forecasts") with create_engine(URL(**con_config)).connect() as con: df.to_sql( name=con_config["table"], con=con, schema=con_config["schema"], if_exists="append", index=False,
[docs]def write_forecast_meta(df): """ Write assessment of forecast on capacity to forecast metadata table in Snowflake. Parameters ---------- df: pd.DataFrame Assessment results. Returns ------- None """ con_config = format_connection("DALI_forecast_meta") with create_engine(URL(**con_config)).connect() as con: df.to_sql( name=con_config["table"], con=con, schema=con_config["schema"], if_exists="append", index=False,
[docs]def read_forecasts(boxid=None): """ Read forecasts for Snowflake database. Parameters ---------- boxid: str Boxid of a DALI box. If not provided or None, all forecast are loaded. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame DataFrame with forecasts. """ con_config = format_connection("DALI_forecasts") if boxid is None:"for all boxids") box_selector = "" else:"for boxids: {boxid}") if isinstance(boxid, (str)): boxid = [boxid] s = ", ".join([f"'{s}'" for s in boxid]) box_selector = f"AND t.BOXID IN ({s})" query = f""" SELECT t.* FROM {con_config["database"]}.{con_config["schema"]}.{con_config["table"]} t WHERE IS_VALID {box_selector}; """ # with create_engine(URL(**con_config)).connect() as con: # df_query = pd.read_sql(sql=query, con=con) with snowflake.connector.connect(**get_secrets("snowflake")) as con: # con.autocommit(True) cur = con.cursor() cur.execute(query) df_query = cur.fetch_pandas_all() # con.commit() return df_query.rename(columns=str.lower)
[docs]def read_forecast_meta(): """ Read assessment of forecasts. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Results of he assessment of all DALI box forecasts. """ con_config = format_connection("DALI_forecast_meta") query = f""" SELECT t.* FROM {con_config["database"]}.{con_config["schema"]}.{con_config["table"]} t """ with create_engine(URL(**con_config)).connect() as con: df_query = pd.read_sql(sql=query, con=con) return df_query.rename(columns=str.lower)
[docs]def get_forecasted_boxids(): """ Get the boxids for boxes that are already forecasted. (Should be adapted when multiple forecasts (done on different dates) are present in database). Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Unique boxids. """ con_config = format_connection("DALI_forecasts") query = f""" SELECT DISTINCT(BOXID) FROM {con_config["database"]}.{con_config["schema"]}.{con_config["table"]} """ with create_engine(URL(**con_config)).connect() as con: df_query = pd.read_sql(sql=query, con=con) return df_query